Friday, November 21, 2008

the past month

ok ok I know its been a LONG time..

A lot of time has gone by since I last wrote. We traveled to Maryland where we had a lot of fun catching up with people and, for me, meeting new people and friends of Chris... or as they may call him "Ricky." The picture to the right is the church where Chris attended for a number of years... and where the picture is being taken from is our little old house where we have stayed the past 4 weeks. It is about 100 years old it think.

A highlight was going on a date to the baltimore aquarium.. they have a dolphin show and I just love dolphins! I could watch them all day and hope someday to swim with them. There also was some tropical fish that were sooo beautiful. The picture doesn't do it justice.

The past month has been both rewarding as well as a time that has really tested our faith. While we remain optimistic we had a few days in Maryland when it just seemed like we are behind.. and like we won't make our goals. They were days when we felt like... "are we doing everything right..." "saying things clearly enough,..." or even "are we praying enough?" We realized that those are not really the right questions. God has HIS own timing and he will provide when He decides. And while it doesn't hurt to pray harder or more often, we realize we simply just need to be patient and have faith. Sometimes it hard, but we feel ourselves and our marriage growing in the process.

The past week has involved LOTS of traveling (from MD back to OH) and me being sick. I am on antibiotics for an infection, and I also got a cold more recently(I spend the majority of my day yesterday laying around in bed) :( We also had a fender bender last week which didn't make either our necks/backs feel too good either. We are both feeling good right now and are enjoying being by family once again. We had a good time a few nights ago babysitting Caleb, Chris' nephew, and enjoyed making a fort, watching kids movies, and playing with trucks. Caleb is very fun and very talkative. He always has a word to say about everything which tends to make us all giggle. Sam, Caleb's brother, is almost 7 months now and is a very happy and laidback baby. Chris and I look forward to having our own someday.

While we have been here snow flurries have been falling outside which has given us prime opportunity to use the fireplace. I love fireplaces! They give you such a warm feeling inside and just make you feel "at home," which is a nice feeling since we are moving around everywhere.

Hopefully, now that Chris has the wii and tv and family to keep him busy I will get the chance to write a bit more often.

love to all of you and we hope you have a great Thanksgiving!


Joy said...

You can now leave me a comment here!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy reading your blog. Keep your faith strong; God is in control.

Kristi said...

That is a neat picture of that old church! Beautiful sunset. We had our fireplace going today too, for the first time this fall. And had the heat on for only about the 4th time! It's been warm--finally got rain today. I hope you feel better!

Kristi said...

I looked at that picture again and now I'm wondering if it was a sunrise?? You guys wouldn't be up *that* early, would you? ;)